Table Of Contents

Title Page
How to take this course
Participant outcomes
Knowledge and Practice Gap
Target Audience

❖ Introduction
❖ What is Meth?
❖ Forms of Meth
❖ Methods of Use
❖ Meth Terminology/Slang
❖ Demand Statistics
❖ Sources
❖ Paraphernalia

❖ Review of Neurotransmission
❖ Physiology of Drug Abuse
❖ Pharmacologic Action of Meth
❖ Cocaine/Meth Comparison
❖ Patterns of Use
❖ Adverse Systemic Effects
  ▶ Cardiac Effects of Meth
  ▶ Pulmonary Effects of Meth
  ▶ Renal Effects of Meth
❖ Psychosis
❖ Maternal/Child Exposure
❖ Addiction Treatment
❖ Prevention & Education
❖ Conclusion
❖ Meth crossword puzzle

❖ Additional Resources

Disclosure & Disclaimer

Quiz and Evaluation

Content Specialist
