Treatment of PSVT

Treatment of a child with PSVT will depend on a number of factors which include:

There is minimal special training required for the lay person to provide emergency treatment to a pediatric patient with PSVT. Either by themselves, or with the assistance of a caregiver (parent, school nurse, sibling, etc.) children with a known history of PSVT are able to convert their own episodes 90% of the time with a variety of home remedies such as:

It is important for the child to immediately begin trying these maneuvers, as the longer the PSVT persists, the more difficult it becomes to convert.

Immediate arrangements to an emergency department should be made for all pediatric patients who have no prior history of SVT, patients with a known PSVT history who are symptomatic, or patients who are hemodynamically unstable.

While caring for a pediatric patient with PSVT, the nurse must utilize precise organizational and communication skills.

Primary assesssment and care of the patient will direct necessary attention to the patient's airway, breathing status and circulatory status. Continuous cardiac monitoring and a 12 lead EKG should be in place, and will later provide crucial diagnostic information. Proximal intravenous (IV) access should be attained, preferably in the antecubital fossa.

Instant Feedback:

The longer an episode of PSVT occurs, the easier it is to convert.