Moving Forward

Over the next eight months, you continue to provide nurse case management for Cassie through the Developmental Disabilities clinic. Having formed an effective and enjoyable partnership with her parents Ned and Renee, you’re pleased with Cassie’s progress in the early intervention program and the wonderful carry-over that her parents provide at home.

As Cassie moves toward her first birthday, there are other community programs and changes in store for the family. Part III of Working with Families of Children with Disabilities will highlight guidelines for effective home visits, telephone contacts and partnership mail. In Part III, you’ll also learn how to teach Cassie’s parents to become effective advocates for their daughter, and discover how to apply an integrated developmental intervention model to meet all five levels of Cassie’s needs.

Click here to access Part III of the Working with Families of Children with Disabilities: Integration

Important resources can be found at the the following websites

Exceptional Parent

Center for Parent Information and Resources!

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