Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

    1. Integrate best practices to reduce the risk of occupational exposure to hazardous drugs.
    2. Characterize each phase of the cell cycle.
    3. Contrast cell cycle specific drugs with cell cycle non-specific cytotoxic mechanisms.
    4. Describe three cytotoxic strategies to inhibit cell division.
    5. Describe three types of DNA damage associated with alkylating agents.
    6. Compare and contrast the microtubule effects of taxanes and vinca alkyloids.
    7. Differentiate adjuvant, induction, consolidation, and maintenance cytotoxic drug regimens.
    8. Characterize the common chemotherapy side effects for the following body systems:
          a. Hematopoeitic system
          b. Integumentary system
          c. Gastrointestinal system
          d. Cardiovascular system
          e. Neurological system
          f. Respiratory system
          g. Reproductive system
          h. Urological system

    9. Identify chemotherapy agents associated with the highest risk for induced hypersensitivity   reactions.
    10. Discuss the goals for patient/family education when a patient is receiving cytotoxic drugs.
    11. Describe 3 phases of clinical trials in cancer drug development.
    12. Cite cancer chemotherapy resources for health care professionals and patients.